Revolutionize Your Role

Boost your confidence, increase your impact, and get recognized for the value you provide so you are lit up and happier at work and in life!

Strong HR leader who is confident, lit up about her work, and making the impact she desires.

You’ve finally achieved the leadership role you’ve been chasing for years and are ready to make your mark on your organization.


There’s only one thing stopping you — your own self-doubt.  It's lonely at the top and there's only so many hours in a day.  You often feel frustrated, stressed, and under-appreciated in your role and struggle to make the impact you desire.

stressed HR leader biting on a pencil staring at laptop

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You feel overwhelmed and uncertain how to best guide your organization through challenging times.

  • You spend hours and hours agonizing over decisions with little progress in implementing anything.

  • You worry about the perceptions your peer leaders have about you and your team’s ability to deliver results and make an impact.

  • You’re always in fire-fighting mode, unable to even get to the strategy work because of the sheer amount of tactical things that need to get done.


Imagine what it would feel like if you were lit up about your work, making the impact you desire, and recognized for the value you provide.

coach providing guidance to HR leader in meeting

What if I told you that you could...

  • Feel more confident in making decisions and lead your organization during challenging times?

  • Increase your (and your team's) credibility, influence, and impact in the organization?

  • Be a role-model and mentor to other leaders in your organization for your authenticity, strategic thinking, and delivering results.

  • Be a thought leader who is regularly sought after by your peers for your opinions and ideas.

Introducing: Revolutionize Your Role

My 1:1 coaching program that helps you feel lit up about your work, increase your impact, and be recognized for the value you provide so you are happier at work and in life.

With my Revolutionize Your Role 1:1 coaching program, you can:

Relaxed HR Leader feeling in control, confident, and pleased with the impact she’s making.

Feel less stress and less overwhelm.

Note of thanks with coffee as a gift of appreciation. Recognition of one’s impact on the organization.

Feel appreciated for the value you provide.

Making an impact and the ripple effect it has on it’s surroundings.

Make the impact you desire.


Your life before Revolutionize Your Role:

  • You’re not accomplishing your big goals

  • You're frequently feeling frustrated and stressed

  • You’re scattered and just trying to keep your head above water

  • You’re feeling like you don’t have enough time in the day

  • You’re feeling too overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things to do

Your life after Revolutionize Your Role:

  • You’ve got better work/life alignment and feel more grounded

  • You’re a respected ‘go-to’ leader in your organization  

  • You and your team consistently deliver amazing results

  • You experience the freedom that comes with being a strong leader

  • You’re lit up about your work and are making the impact you desire

Here’s how it works:


1. Schedule your complimentary strategy session.

You have direct access to my online calendar to find a time that is convenient for you.

2. Complete the strategy session prep form.

Prior to your session, to make the most of our limited time together, complete an online form with 3 simple questions.

3. Meet virtually with me.

We will explore a current challenge you face, while you get the opportunity to experience my coaching style and process. 

4. Determine fit and explore best-fit coaching package.

If appropriate, I will recommend and discuss the details of the coaching package that would best meet your needs and desired outcomes.

Make the impact you’ve always dreamed of…